Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Mt.Hamilton Race Report.

This past Sunday was the Mt Hamilton Classic Road Race. It was a very beautiful day and I was wishing the race was a bit longer and slower so I could enjoy it more.

I have recently come to the conclusion that I will learn more about racing by being aggressive rather than just sitting in the pack and finishing with the bunch. For a majority of my races this year I have sat in the pack and not launched any attacks or started any of the sprints..I have just been happy to finish with the group and still have some breath to spare...This is changing.I figure there is not much purpose in finishing in the middle of the pack and still having energy to spare. If I am going as hard as I can and get dropped...great. If I attack, buckle then get least I put myself out there. If I am timid the entire race and dont do anything although I may be physically able, I pretty much blow it..

Mt Hamilton was the first race that I decided to exert some energy....I attacked towards the end of the first climb and stayed away for about 15 Miles...(most of which were downhill) A group of 3 bridged up to me and we worked together towards the next climb of about 3 miles/~800ft. A couple of the guys dropped off and I continued to press in. I checked my heart rate just for a distraction..and what a distraction it was...196!!! In training I typically begin to puke around 190 and have never seen my hr above 191...I totally freaked as it jumped up to legs weren't feeling pumped or anything but I mentally tweaked and slowed down. The one other guy rode away as I spun in my easy gear up the rest of the climb.

On the middle section of the climb I could see the broken pack closing in...I decided to just be absorbed as there was a long downhill after this climb and a draft would certainly be helpful...I jumped on with the first group of ~10 who crested and we formed the most broke down looking paceline was terrible, I don't even want to think about it anymore...

The stragglers from the climb caught on and I ended up ~20th...this isnt really a position to be stoked on but I was really glad that I was agressive and didn't just become pack fodder like usual...

I spun for a bit after the finish then hung out with Sarah and Joey-Charlie Sebastian and watched the pro's roll in (Go Akira and Bradley!!)..We tried to go to this raw place in Burlingame for lunch but it was closed..I was bummed...It is on a cool block though..there is a nice healthfood store, the Raw place and an organic cafe all right next to each other...

Up Next: My first Cat3 race...Ross' Hill Climb...(wait..I climb as well as gravity...what am I doing?)

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